Packs & Herds
Making a Pack or Herd
Creating a group is simple. Find a dinosaur who is the same as you and when close enough 2 Call. The dinosaur should get a pop up asking them to join the group and to "Friendly Call" or "2 Call" back to accept. If you wish to not join all you need to do is "Threaten" or "3 Call" to decline. Mechanically the game will not let you party with someone not of the same species.
Grouping is a great way to survive the dangers of the Isle. The larger your party the safer you may be but also the less stealthy you are as well. You may also attract more attention overall and get attacked as well. So keeping your ears open and eyes scanning nearby bushes and horizon is a good idea and easier with a group. If you are protecting young dinosaurs you may lose a few along the way to new areas.
Tip: If you see an icon on your navigation that looks like a group of dinosaurs in red. This could indicate an oversized group (going outside of the group limits set by the game) or large gathering of dinosaurs.
As of 0.18.11: Group Management has been updated to allow leaders to promote/give leader role to another member of the party.
Herd Limits | Herbivores
Stego: 5 Members
Teno: 8 Members
Hypsi: 10 Members
Pachy: 8 Members
Dryo: 10 Members
Dibble: 6 Members
Maia: 9 Members
Pack Limits | Carnivores
Cera: 4 Members
Carno: 3 Members
Omni: 8 Members
Ptera: 6 Members
Deino: 2 Members
Troodon: 10 Members
Flock Limits | Omnivores
Beipi: 12 Members
Galli:Â 8 Members
Flocking Speed Boost & Mobilize Call [Galli Only]
Flocking Speed Boost
Galli party leaders can increase the speed of fellow gallis nearby if they have a worse diet than the leader. This allows the herd to stay together. This ability doesnt appear to have any call required and may just be a passive buff.
Mobilize Call
Gallis can use call "Mobilize Call" to increase movement speed of nearby flockmates for a short duration. This call can be activated using the 1 Call.