Courting, Nesting, & Raising Young
Before Courtship...
All female dinosaurs will now gestate eggs and store within themselves even when unpaired. Because of this nesting is quicker than before. Open the Egg/Nest window by hitting Tab then clicking the Nest Button.
You can choose how many eggs to gestate at one time by clicking on the egg and then on the gestate button.
Gestating eggs will consume hunger and some of each nutrient per egg.
Eggs only take a few minutes to gestate.
Laying eggs requires a male to mate, eggs already gestated in a female, & a nest built.
If your dinosaur dies with eggs stored inside your dinosaur they can be eaten from the corpse. Providing them with all three nutrients.
Some dinosaurs now have the ability to pick up/eat/swallow/steal eggs from nests.
How to Court
Step One: Locate the opposite gender of the same species. You can do this by 1 calling and hoping that you get a response and that the responder is the opposite gender.
Step Two: Remain party-less and face each other. (Sometimes work in a party I have just found better success outside of the party)
Step Three: The male dinosaur will trigger the Courting ceremony by holding the N key.
Step Four: The female dinosaur will respond to the courting by holding the N key.
This may take a few tries. Make sure you are facing each other.
Tip: Deinos must be on water surface to court.
A Successful Courting
Both players will be added to a party of their own. If you are not in a party together but still showing paired this means the courting was no successful. Break the pair and try again. Pairs no matter if they are offline and log in hours later will always be automatically added to your party upon logging in.
Under status report it will show who you are paired with and under group window it will show both of you in the same party. Remember there is a limit to how many members each dinosaur species can have in a party.
Once you are paired you can add new members up to the mechanical limits.
After Courtship...
Once you have acquired a mate and gestated eggs you will build your nest together & place the fully gestated eggs within the nest. Only eggs that are 100% gestated can be placed within the nest.
You do not need to gestate every egg and can select how many you wish to gestate. Each egg will remove some nutrients & food from you.
An egg icon will appear over the nest when ready
Laying the eggs will immediately allow a player to join the nest.
After the eggs are placed into the nest by laying they are now vulnerable to other dinosaurs who may have it on their diet! So keep an eye on your nests!
Eggs can be smelled & provide all 3 nutrients when eaten!
Raising Young Dinosaurs
When raising young dinosaurs there are a few things you should know!
Babies will need to leave the nest to allow them to be fed. Babies can press the E key to trigger the Beg Call/Animation. (Deino hatchlings do not beg and eat normally)
Parents or Caregivers feeding babies should hold E over the hungry baby until you hear a "munch munch" noise. This is how you can successfully feed a baby within 1-2 tries.
Babies inherit the diet of the one that feeds them. The better their diet the faster they will grow. Also nesting within a Nesting Ground can improve growth rate.
At around 20% Growth Babies can no longer beg and will require normal diet and water. This is different for every dinosaur some are sooner and some are later.
Egg Status Window
Rotten Eggs
A nest can become rotten from lack of good diet, heat, cold, or abandoned nests.
To clean your nest of rotten eggs stand up and hold E. This will remove any rotten eggs from your nest.
The better your diet the more eggs you can lay and the less likely a rotten egg will be given.
Nest Invites
Your nest will get the ! icon when a player has requested to join your nest from the Egg Screen. You are unable to accept invites if you are not near your nest.
Nests can be Private or Public.
Private nests require a Code to enter and Public nests only require the Pair to accept their request.
When an invite is accepted the invited player will be placed inside one of the eggs. Then when they decide they can hatch by using spacebar.