Mutations the newest mechanic for The Isle! Allows users to customize and change up your gameplay. Though this system won't see its final form until the Elder system is released.
Mutations are chosen as a player progresses through the game. The juvenile stage is when you select your first mutation and then again at sub-adult and then full adult. The larger hexagons represent your lifecycle chosen mutations. Hexagon 4 is for the Elder System and hexagon 5-6 are unknowns at this time.
You can unlock varieties to your mutations as opposed to the standard ones gained by default. This may require special actions to be taken in-game to be able to unlock them.
The smaller hexagons are gained by inheriting mutations from your parents. Only a few of the smaller hexagons can be filled in and others are reserved for later systems.
Yellow Names = Are mutations with information on how to obtain them in-game. These may change in the future so please be aware.
Mutations UI
Lifecycle Mutations
Accelerated Prey Drive (Carnivore)
Deal more damage to animals with low health
Value: 10%
Advanced Gestation (Female Only)
Faster egg gestation/incubation/cooldown rate
Value: 50%
Barometric Sensitivity (Herbivore)
Receive an indication prior to storms or droughts
Cellular Regeneration
Recovers health slightly faster
Value: 15%
Congenital Hypoalgesia
Reduce incoming damage when fighting larger species
Value: 15%
Efficient Digestion
Your food drains more slowly
Value: 20%
Enlarged Meniscus
Fall damage hits stamina before draining health
Value: None
Epidermal Fibrosis
Increase bleed resistance
Value: 15%
Your footprints fade much faster
Value: 50%
Restore some thirst while eating (nerfed 0.17.54)
Value: 15%
Hemomania (Carnivore)
Do extra damage on bleeding target
Value: 5%
Increased swimming speed
Value: 15%
Recover health faster during rainy weather
Value: 25%
Hypervigilance (Herbivore)
Increases camera angles when eating and drinking. Increases footsteps audio from others
Value: 50%
Increased Inspiratory Capacity
Increased O2 Capacity
Value: 15%
Infrasound Communication
Make significantly less noise when talking in chat
Value: 50%
Faster health/locked health recover and higher move speed at night
Value: 5%
Resist or Reduce fracture damage
Value: 20%
Photosynthetic Regeneration (Herbivore)
Regenerate stamina faster during the day
Value: 10%
Photosynthetic Tissue
Faster health/locked health recovery and higher move speed during the day
Value: 5%
Recover a small amount of water during the rainy weather or while swimming in drinkable water
Value: 1
Social Behavior (Group Leader Only)
Increased group size. (buffed 0.17.54)
Submerged Optical Retention
Increased underwater vision range
Value: 5%
Sustained Hydration
Your water drains more slowly
Value: 20%
Truculency (Herbivore)
Bucking has a higher chance to dismount latched animals
Value: 5%
Less hindered when wading through shallow water
Value: 25%
Xerocole Adaptation (Herbivore)
Gain some water when eating plants (nerfed 0.17.54)
Value: 15%
Slot 2 Exclusive Lifecycle Mutations
Tactile Endurance (Herbivore)
Convert incoming damage to stamina (nerfed 0.17.54)
Traumatic Thrombosis
Prevent death from blood loss if resting
Gastronomic Regeneration
Eating restores a small amount of health
Hypermetabolic Inanition (Carnivore)
The less hunger you have the more damage you deal.
Unlockable Lifestyle Mutations
Augmented Tapetum (Carnivore)
Increased vision at night
How to get:
Kill 4-12 Players at night. Unlocks on Slot 2/3.
Cannibalistic (Carnivore)
For species that are not, by default, cannibals. Adds their own species as a preferred prey for nutrients.
How to get:
Eat your own species. Unlocks on Slot 2/3.
As of Update 0.18.11 the required amount needed to unlock this mutation has been reduced.
Enhanced Digestion
Decrease nutrition decay rate
How to get:
Good Diet or better for 60%+ duration of growth. Unlocks on Slot 2/3.
Heightened Ghrelin
Increased overeating capacity by a large amount.
How to get:
Unlock by having a blinking full stomach for 9 minutes. Unlocks on Slot 2.
Multichambered Lungs
Reduce stamina regeneration threshold
How to get:
Drain 6-8 full bars of stamina by sprinting or fast swimming. Unlocks on Slot 2/3.
Osteophagic (Carnivore)
Able to consume bones to regenerate fractures faster
How to get:
Unlock by eating bones.
Prolific Reproduction (Female Only)
Your babies have increased health and stamina regen. Your babies require less food and they grow faster.
How to get:
Theory: You need to have created & Nested/Incubated/Raise 5 individuals to Juvie as a Female.
Reinforced Tendons
Jumping costs less stamina (buffed 0.17.54)
How to get:
Unlock by Jumping 50 times.
Reniculate Kidneys
Can drink saltwater
How to get:
Drink Saltwater until "Fluid Deficient" goes away. Unlocks on Slot 2/3.
Horde Test Content
Pit Organ
Can see sources of IR (infrared) light
Able to Fake Fractures
Cochlear Sensitivity
Indication of Sound Traps from a Distance.
Removed Content
Intraspecific Aggression (Removed 0.15.116)
Deal more damage to animals of your own species